Is financial planning and investment management worth the price?

Based on a Vanguard study, advisors have the potential to enhance investment returns by up to 3% per year. At our firm, we take it a step further by offering advanced tax strategies that are not covered in Vanguard’s analysis. Beyond providing traditional financial advice, we prioritize our clients' peace of mind by diligently ensuring their finances are well-organized, protected, and invested. To learn more about the Vanguard study, click here to view their report.

Where will my investment assets be held?

We do not hold client investment assets, nor should any advisor.  Our client investment accounts are located at Charles Schwab, a respected independent third party custodian.

With a track record of over 30 years working with financial advisors, Schwab is the largest and most respected custodian, managing over $7 trillion in assets. They uphold rigorous security measures, offer low fees, and deliver exceptional service, making them the ideal choice for safeguarding our clients' assets.

How do you manage investments?

We believe in the power of diversification across various asset classes, as it offers one of the only “free lunches” in investing—reducing portfolio risk by incorporating assets with different return characteristics.

When it comes to selecting asset classes and investment managers, we prioritize minimizing expenses supported by research that indicates most investment managers struggle to outperform their benchmarks. However, in less efficient markets, such as those involving smaller company size, fixed income, and international markets, we may consider investing in active managers with a proven track record across market cycles or those who specialize in reducing volatility.

For clients who prefer to maintain control of their portfolios, we provide the option to review and approve all investment decisions before implementation. We believe in empowering our clients with knowledge, so they can be actively involved in the decision-making process.

Do you provide Impact or Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) investing?

Yes, for clients who prioritize aligning their portfolio with their individual values, we offer the option to invest your assets in portfolios that are consciously focused on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations and impact investments that aim to generate positive social and environmental outcomes alongside financial returns. We really enjoy helping clients make a difference in the world with their portfolios or through tax-efficient philanthropic gifting.

What type of clients do you serve?

We specialize in tax-efficient retirement planning and investment management. With our comprehensive services, we assist clients during every stage of retirement planning—whether they're just beginning to prepare or already in retirement. While we provide support throughout the retirement journey, our services are particularly valuable for individuals near retirement or already in retirement since we offer specialized guidance on retirement timing, optimizing social security benefits, implementing tax-sensitive portfolio withdrawal strategies, and Roth IRA Conversion analysis.

We also specialize in the healthcare field, offering a unique partnership that lets us handle the complexities of financial planning while they devote their energy to what they do best – providing exceptional healthcare in our community. Based on recent experience working with some of Wisconsin’s top medical professionals, we understand their demanding lives, balancing family, career, and personal interests. With our extensive education and industry experience, we are well-equipped to act as your financial quarterback, allowing you to concentrate on your medical practice and personal passions, knowing that your finances are in capable hands.

Having said that, with our extensive financial planning knowledge, we are dedicated to delivering value through our services. It doesn't matter where you are in your financial journey; we are here to assist you. Our passion for helping people led us to enter this profession, so let’s determine if we are a good fit for you!

What type of financial services do you offer and how do you implement a financial plan?

Click here to review the financial planning and investment management services we provide.

Where will we meet?

We serve clients around the country using Zoom video conference calls, phone calls, and email. Most clients prefer to meet virtually. However, if you’re local to the Milwaukee, Wisconsin area, we enjoy meeting in person.

How do I get started?

We invite new clients to take advantage of a complimentary discussion, where we can delve deeper into your goals, learn what sets our firm apart, and decide if we are mutually a good long-term fit. You don’t have to bring anything with to this discussion, just questions you have for us.

To schedule your free consultation, simply click here to schedule a meeting, email us, or give us a call.

What would the first year of our financial planning relationship look like?

If you're curious about what our first year together would look like, click here and you'll find a detailed explanation on the ‘free assessment’ webpage.

What if I decide to stop working with you?

Rest assured, if you find that we're not the right fit for your needs, we'll gladly help you find another advisor with the expertise you require and still remain friends. Your assets will be held at Charles Schwab, a trusted third party custodian which ensures easy access and flexibility.

What are your thoughts on client referrals?

For your consideration, receiving client referrals from mentors and individuals I respect is the ultimate compliment for me. Thank you for considering passing along my information.

Frequently Asked Questions