Services and Pricing

What Ongoing Services Do We Provide?

We pay attention to these financial items, so you can focus on enjoying your busy life.

  • Retirement Planning

    • Understand your goals and values

    • Retirement planning and projections that stress test your goals

    • Tax-efficient portfolio withdrawal strategies

    • Social Security optimization analysis

    • Cash flow and budget review

    • Roth IRA contributions

    • Pension/annuity optimization strategies

    • Employer benefit review

  • Investment Management

    • Risk tolerance, time horizon, and risk capacity assessment

    • Target asset allocation implementation

    • Mutual fund manager selection

    • Portfolio rebalancing

    • Monitor outside accounts including 401(k)s, 403(b)s and HSAs

    • Impact / ESG investing

    • Manage concentrated stock positions

    • Maximizing yield on cash holdings

    • UGMA/UTMA investing

  • Tax Planning

    • Tax projections

    • Tax-efficient asset location optimization (e.g., taxable, pre-tax, and tax-free)

    • Tax return reviews

    • Roth IRA conversion analysis

    • Evaluation of pre-tax versus after-tax 401(k) contributions

    • Federally tax-free municipal bonds versus taxable bonds

    • Tax loss harvesting

    • Realized gain considerations

  • Insurance and Risk Management Assessments

    • Review current insurance policies

    • Life insurance needs analysis

    • Disability insurance review

    • Property and casualty insurance review (i.e., home and auto)

    • Umbrella liability coverage assessment

    • Long-term care analysis

    • Insurance broker recommendations

    • Health Savings Accounts (HSA) investing & distribution strategy

  • Family Planning and Philanthropic Gifting

    • Emergency fund considerations

    • Debt management

    • Mortgage review

    • College planning and projections

    • Tax-free 529 educational plan investing

    • Annual exclusion gifting

    • Prioritize charitable giving goals

    • Tax saving charitable gifting strategies such as Donor Advised Fund (DAFs) and Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCDs)

  • Estate Planning

    • Wills

    • Durable power of attorney

    • Health care power of attorney

    • Advance health care directive

    • Revocable Living Trust

    • Beneficiary Designations

    • Estate Tax Planning

    • Guardian designations for minor children

    • Business succession plan

    • Charitable trusts

    • Letter of intent

    • Estate planning attorney suggestions

“Before anything else, preparation is the key to success”

— Alexander Graham Bell

What Services Do We Offer?

We serve as your personal Chief Financial Officer (CFO), providing you with expertise and guidance for all your financial needs.

Our comprehensive suite of services includes tax-sensitive comprehensive financial planning, customized investment management, tax advice, insurance knowledge, philanthropic gifting, estate planning recommendations, college planning, and more, designed specifically to align with your individual goals and values.

To gain additional insights into some of the financial strategies we review, explore the "What Ongoing Services Do We Provide” section below.

What is your Financial Planning Process?

Our ongoing service offering begins with the creation of a comprehensive financial plan, serving as the roadmap for effective retirement planning, investment management, and strategic tax planning. Utilizing advanced financial planning and tax software, we meticulously stress test your financial and retirement goals to help ensure you achieve or maintain financial security.

To ensure implementation, we conduct at least two official meetings per year, during which we update your financial plan which entails reviewing your retirement projection, thorough portfolio review, cash flow needs assessment, tax planning advice, etc. However, we are always available to provide guidance on financial decisions that arise. In fact, we enjoy discussing financial topics and the stock market, so don’t hesitate to reach out via phone or email.

For a more detailed understanding of our process, please refer to the "7-Step Financial Planning Process" below.

How do you manage investments?

Our ongoing service offering includes tax-optimized investment management and rebalancing services, with client’s assets held with Charles Schwab a trusted independent third party.

To effectively implement your portfolio, we conduct a thorough assessment of factors such as your goals, values, risk tolerance, time horizon, risk capacity, and retirement projection.

Our investment philosophy is based on historical research and some of the principals that drive our investment strategy include:

  • Long-term Investors: Research shows market timing isn’t a viable strategy, so we are long-term investors who invest over decades which has historically lowered stock market volatility, outpaced inflation, and avoided the day-to-day media noise.

  • Diversification: We believe in the power of diversification across various asset classes, as it offers one of the most significant advantages in investing—reducing portfolio risk by incorporating assets with different return characteristics.

    To achieve diversification, we construct portfolios using a range of funds including large U.S. companies, mid-size U.S. companies, small U.S. companies, developed international markets, emerging markets, real estate, and various fixed-income investments.

  • Tax-aware: Lowering taxes through strategic asset location (e.g., taxable, tax-free, tax-deferred accounts) enhances investment returns, allowing you to keep more of your earnings and compound more wealth over time.

  • Low-cost Investing: When it comes to selecting asset classes and investment managers, we prioritize maintaining low investing expenses. However, in less efficient markets and overvalued asset classes, we may consider investing in active managers with a proven track record across market cycles, or managers who specialize in reducing volatility.

  • Rebalancing: To ensure your portfolio maintains its desired risk level, we actively rebalance your investments back to their target allocation when asset classes drift because of recent gains or losses.

What is the next step?

The next step is to click here to book a complimentary call, where we’ll determine if we’re a great mutual fit to accomplish your goals. Bring your questions and curiosity - no need to bring any documents. We look forward to getting to know you and guiding you towards financial success!

The 7-Step Financial Planning Process

Source: Certified Financial Planning Board

1) Understand and 2) Identity

We aim to gain an understanding of your individualized personal and financial circumstances to identify your goals and values. By uncovering your unique goals and values, we can tailor our services to align precisely with your aspirations.

3) Analyze

We thoroughly review and analyze your current financial data to gain a comprehensive understanding of your financial situation. Following this assessment, we will have a detailed discussions with you, going over your various financial documents to better grasp your entire financial picture.

4) Prepare

After reviewing your financial situation, we leverage financial planning and tax software to craft a personalized financial plan which encompasess all aspects of your finances including retirement planning, investments, tax strategies, insurance, estate planning, philanthropic gifting, college planning, and more.

5) Present

Once your personalized financial plan and portfolio is finalized, we schedule a call to discuss your plan thoroughly, ensuring you understand the rationale behind our recommendations.

6) Implementation

After our presentation, we actively support you in implementing the investment and financial planning recommendations. Our commitment extends beyond the initial stage, as we provide ongoing follow-up and conduct semi-annual meetings throughout the year to ensure seamless implementation.

7) Monitor/Update

We are dedicated to providing ongoing monitoring and updating your financial plan to adapt to your evolving circumstances, including changes in goals, values, risk capacity, and time horizon.

Prices for ongoing investment management and financial planning services

We prefer to work with clients on an ongoing basis to ensure we proactively help with your financial planning and investment implementation.



  • Services: Active investment management services with ongoing financial planning included

  • Fees: *0.90% or less of assets under management.

    Billed quarterly from your investment account(s).

Ideal If:

  • You have around $500,000 of investments for us to actively manage

  • OR: You are over 59.5, and most of your investments are located in an employer retirement account

    *Click here to view our fee schedule


  • Services: Ongoing comprehensive financial planning

  • Fees: *$250 - $625 per month.

    Billed monthly or quarterly from a credit card, debit card, or bank account

Ideal If:

  • Most of your investments are located in a 401(k) or other employer retirement accounts

  • OR: You are a high earner, but don’t have a large investment account yet

    *Costs based on complexity and net worth

Prices for one-time financial planning projects:

We also offer on-demand financial consulting as well as starter investment engagements.


  • Services: One-time financial plans and investment recommendations billed hourly

  • Fees: $300 per hour. Billed after services are completed from a credit card, debit card, or bank account

Ideal If:

  • You want a second professional financial opinion, but are comfortable implementing recommendations yourself

  • OR: Young professionals and families who need financial planning and investment advice